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What Career Suits My Personality? Here’s how to find out.

Pick three words that describe who you are.

Not someone else’s opinion of you…what are the top 3 words you would use to describe who you are?

Are you a happy person? Are you a cheerful person? Are you a conservative person? Are you an introvert, are you an extrovert? What three words describe who you are?

Then, consider, brainstorm, what are the professions that feed into those three descriptions…

Because here’s what’s true…

Anytime you and I are around a co-worker, a sibling, a spouse AND we enjoy their company, WHO we are EXPANDS, who we are is MAGNIFIED.

Conversely, when we’re around a co-worker, a sibling, a spouse that sucks energy out of us, it feels like so much work to be around them.

The same is true for your profession.

Your profession has to ADD to you, it has to EXPAND who you are, it has to MAGNIFY who you are.. and the way that can happen, is if you nominate a profession that’s aligned (feeds into who you are — your personality traits).

Otherwise like any relationship that drains you (if you ignore what you need in terms of your personality) the “job” will also become draining, it will shrink you, and you’ll only put up with a profession that’s draining because “everyone else seems drained as well” or “you’ve given up on yourself” and you cant be bothered, anymore.

SO how do you do it? Pick three personality traits and then brainstorm what professions are aligned with WHO YOU ARE. Then set out to do that.

Absolutely, its that simple, don’t be lulled by a false sense of thinking that this has to be difficult THEN it it would be worth it. Don’t complicate what’s simple.

If you’d like to watch the in depth video and explanation on What Career Suits My Personality it’s here on Instagram T.V or on Facebook.

To access the whole Process on How to Find Your Passion (minus your resume), (it’s free too) here’s where to find it.

If you’ve read up until here, this is something you want to know about, if nothing else, build your self-awareness and do the exercise to benefit you for your next move.

Rita Joyan is creator of the Passion Process (that teaches how to find your passion, minus your resume), 2015 Canberra’s Young Business Woman of The Year and Host of the UnBox Your Gift Podcast.