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What if i need help to find my passion and monetise it?

What else can you do to find your passion or monetise it?  Watch this video.   [youtube][/youtube]   For a very limited time and for a very limited number of people who are ready and committed to have a strategy session on your...

Does one size fit all? Yanking the legs off bad conditioning

A colleague and I were talking about habit and how habit creates a character. So he relayed this story to me. He said that in India (his country of origin) elephant trainers had a specific way of training elephants to make them become disciplined. Baby elephants have...

How you can be that change you want to see in the world.

  I recently went to a protest to serve one of my passions (social justice) and uphold my pledge to humanity  and turn up at a pro- Palestinian rally, protesting against the war being waged in Gaza and the mass genocide and killing currently taking place.   Now,...